It wasn't too long ago that I was packing up my college dorm room and trying to line up job interviews -- OK, maybe it's actually been a while... But even though it's been a few years, I still remember what it was like getting ready for the real world, talking to recruiters, and prepping for interviews.
I learned a lot in school, but as much as I wished for one, there was never a 'How To Prepare for Interviews 101'. By the time I had to get my resume and cover letters ready, I felt a bit lost. Luckily, I had savvy friends who gave me good tips and advice, and they helped me get those materials together.
Fortunately, students today (like you) don't have to start from scratch. If you've been procrastinating on finishing your resume, or you're hoping to re-polish it, you can just start with one of the many
resume and cover letter templates available in Google Docs.
The gallery lets you preview different templates, and you can sort through them by 'hottest,' 'most users,' and 'highest rating.' And since everything is hosted online, you can easily publish your resume as a web page to make it easier for your potential employers to access them.
Personally, I'm a fan of the simpler, cleaner looking resumes, like this one that's specifically designed with graduating students in mind:
And here's the matching cover letter to go with that resume:
Visit the
Google Docs templates gallery to choose the styles that match your personality, and put your best foot forward when impressing your future boss.